Dear colleagues and friends,
We are proud to announce that we have successfully submitted the final report of CULTURWB project to the EACEA. This means that CULTURWB is officially over but we will most certainly remain to conduct all activities towards promotion and enhancment of cultural tourism and cultural heritage. Follow us also for new generations of LLL course and MA program!
As part of the CULTURWB project, from the academic year 2019/2020, a new study program for the second cycle of studies “Cultural Heritage and Cultural Tourism Management” has been established, in partnership with the University of East Sarajevo and the University of Banja Luka. Classes will be taught at the Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka. The competition for the enrollment of students for the second cycle of study is open until 16.10.2019. by which candidates will be able to submit their applications. More information about the new study program and applying is available HERE!!!
Find all latest news, activities and events related to CULTURWB project at the page Events & News!
Keep in touch with everything regarding cultural tourism in the WB region and world wide! Let us share with you our project results and all activities of 13 partners from West Balkans and EU.
We are very proud that, after very thorough and complicated procedure, University of Niš also accredited MSc program “Management in Cultural Tourism”!!! Congratulations and cannot wait for the first enrolled students!
“Only a place worth living is a place worth seeing” \o/ The International Conference “The common heritage of humanity – Cultural Diversity”, 10/18/2018 🙂
After a very successful conference, we continue with the next steps towards establishing a Network for Cultural Tourism in the Western Balkans. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the organization and realization of this historical and phenomenal event!Click here to see photos!
The inspiration behind the CulturWeB Network comes from the well-recognized need identified by all project partners in the Western Balkans region who work in the tourism and economy sectors and who already have a long-standing cooperation. All of them agree that there is an obvious need to strengthen the cultural tourism industry development in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro, to create and improve strategies for development of cultural tourism in these countries, address its importance and raise awareness of its pivotal role in safeguarding the rich cultural heritage in the region and beyond.
Find out more at the official CulturWeb website
Info day of the Erasmus + project CULTURWB was held at the premises of the Rectorate of the University of East Sarajevo on Wednesday, July 10th, 2019. Vice-rector for International Cooperation and Quality Assurance prof. Prof. Dr Dejan Bokonjićc, Project coordinator in behalf of the University of East Sarajevo, Prof. Dr. Branislav Masic and Dr. Dajana Vukojevic spoke about the significance of the project, goals and achieved results.Find out more about the info day!
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