06 Jul Monitoring visit at UNBL
In July University of Banja Luka hosted Prof. Dr. Lauren Uğur from Heilbronn University. During the monitoring visit, Professor Uğur had the opportunity to speak with the management of the Faculty of Economics, LLL participants, LLL lecturers, and some potential MA students. Prof. Dr. Saša Petković (Vice-dean for student affairs) and Prof. Dr. Branka Zolak Poljašević (CULTURWB coordinator at University of Banja Luka) are spoken about the strategic points of MA program and LLL courses at University of Banja Luka. Ljubiša Mićić, one of the lecturers at the LLL courses, presented his views about importance, organization and success of the realized LLL courses. Prof. Dr. Irena Medar Tanjga participated in LLL courses, and she spoken about her reasons for attending courses, course outcomes and possible cooperation with the Faculty of Economics in the field of cultural tourism and cultural heritage. Finally, Professor Uğur interviewed Katarana Dobrijević, which is a potential MA student. At the end of the visit, Professor Uğur expressed her satisfaction with the monitoring carried out at the University in Banja Luka.
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